Engage a Speaker

ULS faculty hold expertise in a wide variety of areas and are available to speak and serve on panels at the request from other seminaries, academic colleagues, institutions and the media. Please contact these faculty members directly for inquiries. 

Gilson A. C. Waldkoenig
Gilson A. C. Waldkoenig
Gilson A. C. Waldkoenig
The Paulssen-Hale-Maurer Chair and Professor of Church in Society and Director of Town and Country Church Institute
Areas of expertise
Understanding congregations | Community context and mission | Rural ministry | Small church ministry | Appalachia | Faith and environment/ecology
J. Jayakiran Sebastian
J. Jayakiran Sebastian
J. Jayakiran Sebastian
The H. George Anderson Chair and Professor of Mission and Culture
Areas of expertise
Baptismal history and theology | Early teachers of faith, especially Cyprian of Carthage | Conversion and debates on conversion in India | Asian Christian theology, especially Dalit theology and praxis | Missiology and missiological challenges and opportunities in interfaith contexts.
Jon Pahl
Jon Pahl
Jon Pahl
The Peter Paul and Elizabeth Hagan Chair and Professor of the History of Christianity
Areas of expertise
Fethullah Gulen and the global Hizmet (Service) Movement | Religions and Violence (violence linked to age, race, and/or gender) | Religions and PeacebuildingReligions in America (Indigenous, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist) | The History of Christianity, beginnings to the present.
Karyn L. Wiseman
Karyn L. Wiseman
Karyn L. Wiseman
The Herman G. Stuempfle Associate Professor of Homiletics
Areas of expertise
Preaching and Technology | Digital Preaching and Liturgy | Preaching without Notes | Race, Gender, Sexuality and Leadership/Ministry | Liturgical Preaching | Queering the Pulpit
Martin Otto-Zimmann
Martin Otto-Zimmann
Martin Otto-Zimmann
Adjunct Faculty, Church and Society
Areas of expertise
Nostalgia and Religion/Stewardship Practices | Critical Race Theory | Palestinian-Israeli Conflict | Digital Media and Mental Health | Rapture Theology.
Nancy Gable
Nancy Gable
Nancy Gable
Adjunct Faculty, Christian Education
Areas of expertise
Faith Formation Across the Ages & Across Cultures l Adult Education Theory & Practice l Transformative Education Theory and Practice l Theology of Diakonia l Trauma Informed Ministry l Spiritual Impact of Child Abuse l Spiritual Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE scores)
Natalia Marandiuc
Natalia Marandiuc
Natalia Marandiuc
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Areas of expertise
Systematic and Constructive Theology | Historical Theology | Doctrine of God and the Trinity | Christology | Soteriology | Theological Anthropology | Liberation Theologies | Feminist and Queer Theology | Feminist, Gender, Race, and Queer Theory | Science-Engaged Theology
Nelson Rivera
Nelson Rivera
Nelson Rivera
Professor of Theology and Ethics
Areas of expertise
Lutheran Theology (especially Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue)| Ecumenism |Topics in Science and Religion (primary focus on Darwinian evolution, and cosmology) | Latinx Theology and Ministry|Theologies of liberation
R. Guy Erwin
R. Guy Erwin
R. Guy Erwin
President and Ministerium of Pennsylvania Chair and Professor of Reformation Studies, and Bishop Emeritus, Southwest California Synod, ELCA
Areas of expertise
Martin Luther: Life and Thought | ‍Reformation History | European and world Lutheranism | Christianity in Germany | History of Higher Education
Storm Swain
Storm Swain
Storm Swain
The Frederick Houk Borsch Professor of Anglican Studies, Pastoral Care and Theology
Areas of expertise
Pastoral Care and Theology | Pastoral Formation | Disaster Spiritual Care |Climate Crisis | Trauma and Resilience
Teresa L. Smallwood
Teresa L. Smallwood
Teresa L. Smallwood
Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs and The James Franklin Kelly and Hope Eyster Kelly Associate Professor of Public Theology
Areas of expertise
Public Theology | Womanist Ethics and Theology | 20c. Theology | Ethics (Christian & Social) | Racial Justice | Cultural Criticism | Practical Theology.