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Kindling Faith: Spring Convocation 2023

April 25- 27, 2023


PREACHING PERSPECTIVES: "Stewardship Preaching in Ordinary Time." Gettysburg campus or online.
April 25, 2023 9:30 - 11:30AM; 1:30-3:30PM

Pastors gather to examine the lectionary cycle and develop themes for preaching on holistic stewardship during the summer and fall of2 023. How do we become better stewards of our time, resources, and relationships? The lectionary cycle provides plenty of material for preaching.
Presenter: Pastor Rob Blezard.

Read more about Preaching Perspectives.

Alumni luncheon 12noon - 1:00PM (Herr’s Ridge Tavern)

SPRING CONVOCATION: "Children of Abraham: Stewards of Creation." Gettysburg campus. Some events will be offered online.
April 26, 2023 - 9:00AM - 7:30PM

Interfaith dialogue is essential for addressing the climate crisis, as the issue of environmental degradation affects people of all religious backgrounds and cultures. We face a global challenge that requires collective action, and bringing together individuals and groups of different faiths can result in a shared sense of responsibility and a broader understanding of the issue.

Read more about Spring Convocation

Coffee/danish 8:00AM
Convocation I 9:00 - 10:15AM
Break 10:15 – 10:30AM
Convocation II 10:30 – 11:45AM
Interfaith Worship 12noon– 12:30PM
Lunch 12:30 – 1:30PM
Convocation III   1:30- 2:45PM
Break  2:45 – 3:00PM
Convocation IV (panel) 3:00- 4:00PM
TULSAA Biannual meeting   4:30 – 5:30PM - Valentine auditorium
TULSAA Alumni & ULS Community Happy Hour/Awards Ceremony  5:30 – 7:30PM - Refectory

LAMPa Lutheran Day in the Capitol (Harrisburg, PA)
April 27, 2023
Starting at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2000 Chestnut St., Camp Hill

Join advocates from across Pennsylvania for inspiration, learning and advocacy. Taking Micah 6:8 as as tarting point, we will focus on how we as Lutheran Christians understand our call to live together as God’s faithful people and to strive for justice and peace in the context of today’s debates over the role of faith in public life. We will be prepared to act on that call, with workshops that connect our ministries of service to opportunities to advocate with policymakers on issues from hunger to housing, creation care and more. 

Read more and register HERE.

Martin Otto-Zimmann