Report from the Board of Trustees - September 2023
The Board of Trustees held two open gallery sessions from the Gettysburg campus for ULS faculty, staff and students on September 25, 2023. The Board received the President and the President’s Cabinet, including the departments of Academics and Student Life, Advancement, Finance, Operations, Strategic Marketing and Communications, and Continuing Education.
The board also received reports from President Rev. Dr. R. Guy Erwin, who also spoke for Rev. Dr. Javier Goitia representing the ELCA, Hannah Tonn and Mo Goff representing the students, Rev. Dr. Quintin Robertson and Rev. Dr. Allison deForest representing the faculty, Rev. Dr. Quintin Robertson representing the Urban Theological Institute, Mr. Peter Miele representing SRHPF/Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center, and Rev. Dr. Donald Green, representing TULSAA.
Mr. David Russell presented the Resource Development and Financial Management Committee report and the United Lutheran Seminary Endowment Foundation report.
Mr. Fred Risser presented the report of the LTSP Reconstituted Board.
Pastor Constance Mentzer presented the Governance, Infrastructure and Policy Committee report. The board approved a motion regarding the official process for review and evaluation of the president of the seminary.
Dr. Tommie Robinson presented the report of the Academic Affairs Committee. The board approved motions to accept the sabbatical reports from Dr. Gilson Waldkoenig, Dr. Karyn Wiseman, and Dr. Wayne Croft. The board also approved motions to approve amendments to the Faculty Handbook, and separately, to accept the addition of “Term Appointments” to the Faculty Handbook. Finally, the board voted to appoint the Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera to a one-semester full time position as the St. John’s Summit Visiting Professor of Theology and Ethics, to begin January1, 2024; and thereafter to a five-year full-time appointment as Professor of Theology and Ethics, beginning July 1, 2024.
Pastor Sara Lilja presented the report for the Enrollment Services and Student Life Committee. There were no motions to present, but they thanked the involvement of the students and the student government for their work.
Finally, the board approved four Executive Committee motions. First, they approved and endorsed the Strategic Planning materials presented to them at its May 2023meeting. Second, they approved the creation of a comprehensive plan for the observance of the bicentennial of the founding of ULS/Gettysburg in 2026.Third, they restated the process to approve ULS Faculty, Employee, and Student handbooks. Lastly, they approved the creation of a plan to be brought to its January 2024 board meeting to reflect roster changes and updates with theintent to create staggered terms.
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Dr. Peter Boehringer