Report from the Board of Trustees

September 27, 2022

The ULS Board of Trustees held an in person Executive Committee meeting on September 26, 2022 on the Gettysburg campus, followed by a full board meeting, which included two open gallery Zoom sessions for ULS students, faculty, and staff. On September 27, a three-hour workshop on the strategic planning process focused on the vision and direction of the seminary over the next five years. The plan will be presented to the board at the January 2023 meeting.

The board received reports from the President and the President’s Cabinet, including the departments of Academics and Student Life, Advancement, Finance, Operations, Marketing and Communications, and Continuing Education.

The Board passed a motion to recognize Mr. Ron Townsend for his 40 plus years of service working in the ULS library in Philadelphia. He retires at the end of this month. Dean Sebastian stated he would share this news with Mr. Townsend.

The board introduced and welcomed five new board members: Ron Fairchild (Delaware Maryland Synod), Rev. Beth George (Upstate NY Synod), Rev. Marjorie Keiter (Slovak Zion Synod), and Bernie Annor and The Very Rev. Judith Sullivan (at large board members). The board passed a motion to accept all as new members.

Mr. David Russell presented the reports from the Resource Development and Financial Management Committee, the United Lutheran Seminary Endowment Foundation, and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia Reconstituted report. This included income and expense statements, as well as a presentation of the ULS Endowment performance. The board approved one RDFM approved recommendation to formalize the management of funds belonging to Lutheran Historical Society of the Mid-Atlantic, a relationship that’s been in place since the 1940’s. The board also approved the ULSEF recommendation to extend the memberships of David Russell, Emried Cole, and Karen Albrecht for three years.

Mrs. Karen Arnold presented the Executive Committee Report.

Pastor Constance Mentzer presented the Governance, Infrastructure and Policy Committee report. This included two motions: The first was a new procedure for orientation of new trustees, and the second was a series of amendments to the bylaws of the board. Both motions were passed by the board.

Dr. Tommie Robinson presented the report of the Academic Affairs Committee. The board voted to approve three motions:

1. That the Board of Trustees approve the Sabbatical proposal presented by Dr. Wayne E. Croft, Sr. for six months from January 1st – June 30, 2023.

2. That the Board of Trustees approve the changes to the Faculty Handbook.

3. That the Board of Trustees heartily thank the Rev. Dr. John Hoffmeyer for his faithful and distinguished service to the seminary for more than 25 years and wish him the best in his retirement.

Rev. Sara Lilja presented the Enrollment Services and Student Life Committee report.

Rev. Cean James presented the Diversity Committee report. This included the passage of a motion to replace the Board’s Diversity Committee with a stronger, direct link to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force of United Lutheran Seminary. A member of the Board will serve on that task force and will be a conduit for direct communication between the Board and the ULS community. That Board member will be the Rev. Cean James.


In Christ,

The Rev. Dr. Peter D. Boehringer

Reports from the Board Chair