Report from the Board of Trustees - January 2023
The ULS Board of Trustees met virtually on January 24, 2023 with two open gallery sessions. An Executive Committee session was held virtually on January 23, 2023.
The Board of Trustees received reports from President Erwin, Clifford Stanley and Andrew Taminger representing the students, Dr. Teresa Smallwood and Dr. Reed Carlson representing the faculty, and Rev. Dr. Don Green representing the alumni. President Erwin noted that cabinet reports were not submitted for this meeting, as they will be more comprehensive for the September and May meetings.
Mr. David Russell presented the Resource Development and Financial Management Committee report. The board approved a motion to accept the audited financials from the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Mr. Fred Risser presented the report of the LTSP Reconstituted Board. Efforts to satisfy the underwater position of the endowment have had success, and no funds will be withdrawn from the LTSP endowment until that process is complete.
Pastor Constance Mentzer presented the Governance, Infrastructure and Policy Committee report. A motion to reelect Rev. Cean James to a term on the board of directors ending June 30, 2025, was approved.
Dr. Tommie Robinson presented the report of the Academic Affairs committee. Though there were no motions to present, the committee is working on ways to highlight the work of the faculty in future meetings.
Pastor Sara Lilja presented the report for the Enrollment Services and Student Life Committee. There were no motions to present, but they thanked the involvement of the students and the student government for their work.
Ms. Karen Arnold presented the report from the Executive Committee. The board approved a motion to authorize Dr. Erwin to negotiate a sale agreement with the Adams County Library Board, for the Library board to purchase a parcel of land on the ULS Gettysburg campus for construction of a new main county library. This sale will not impact the seminary’s ability to provide housing for residential students. The board also approved a motion to authorize Dr. Erwin to offer a ULS honorary doctorate to any of the persons whose names have been presented and approved by the Faculty Executive Council and the Board Executive Committee.
The agenda moved along more quickly than anticipated, resulting in all agenda items to be addressed in the morning open gallery session. The afternoon session was dedicated to an executive session and presentation and discussion of the draft strategic plan.
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Peter Boehringer
Chair, ULS Board of Trustees